8 Tips to get your car winter ready

8 Tips to get your car winter ready

“8 tips to get your car winter ready. With the days getting shorter and colder, it’s time to start thinking about getting your car winter ready”.

Get your vehicle serviced

This should apply all year round. Winter can be harder on all of us, and your car is no exception. You need to make sure your car is checked over by a qualified mechanic, before winter sets in. Book your car in for a service, or a check over with us today.

Check your car’s Fluid levels

Of course this needs to be a year round thing. But, with the temperatures dropping it’s even more important for winter. The things you need to check and get topped up if needed are your: Antifreeze, screen wash, and your oil, remember your choice of oil depends on your vehicle type. Using quality oil is important. If you prefer to have someone do this for you. Just pop in, we are happy to check.

Check your vehicle's battery

No one wants to go out to their car on a frosty morning and it just won’t start! During winter time our batteries take a lot more strain, due to the extra demand placed on them. Batteries have a shelf life like everything. When was your battery last changed? Generally you should get approximately up to five years from a new battery. If you’d like us to change your battery for you, give us a call.

8 Tips to get your car winter ready

Why you should check your tyres

It’s always necessary to check if our tyres are in good safe condition for the roads. Your thread depth should be 1.6mm at a minimum. They should be wearing evenly, with no damage, and using the correct air pressure for your vehicle.

What about the wipers?

Are yours worn? If your windscreen wipers are under performing perhaps it’s time to change them. Easily purchased from a motor factors. Or, call in and we can change them for you.

Lights - camera - action!

With dark mornings and dark evenings, it’s essential that your lights are working correctly. This ensures good visibility on the roads during those darker hours. If you prefer us to take a look at your lights, during our winter check, book in with us today.

8 Tips to get your car winter ready

Air conditioning - in winter?

Sounds a bit crazy right! Did you know that your air conditioner can keep your car windows clear, faster on a cold frosty morning. They also remove moisture from the air. So no more cold damp cars.

Keep the essentials in the boot.

These are a few of the essential tools every driver should keep in their boot for winter emergencies:

  • Ice-scraper or a de-icing spray.
  • Spare bulbs.
  • Small bottle of coolant and screen wash.
  • A mobile phone and power pack charger. 
  • High-vis vest.
  • A warning triangle.
  • Torch and Tow rope.

Get you vehicle in winter condition today, book in with us, we will take care of it all.

Have you a question or need any help with one of our technicians?


We've got a team of experienced engineers ready with competitive rates, great skills and excellent customer service.

Located within Portlaoise, Co Laois and serving the Midlands.


New Road, Downs. Portlaoise R32-K820

Email Us @ info@laoisautocare.ie


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