gold Standard Certified professional technicians

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Want garage reviews in Laois? Look no further. Laois Auto Care Ltd highly recommended for vehicle diagnostics and repair Portlaoise, Midlands


Want garage reviews in Laois? Look no further. Laois Auto Care Ltd highly recommended for vehicle diagnostics and repair Portlaoise, Midlands. We've been servicing and repairing cars for over 20 years so you can rest assured that our industry Gold Standard certified technicians will get your car back on the road safely. We provide car service and repair for all makes and models of cars including Audi, Skoda, VW, Merc, BMW, Hyundai, Land Rover, Ford, Opel etc.

Save time, money and stress. Book online today.


Getting a car serviced, repaired or maintained can seem like an overwhelming task. So many people have different prices and special offers. How do you know who to trust? Trust Laois Auto Care - we've got a team of experienced engineers ready with competitive rates and excellent customer service. Located within Portlaoise, Co Laois and serving the Midlands.

specialists in diesel diagnostics

Dealer Level Diagnostics
All Makes & Models
Car & Van Diagnostics
Pre/Post NCT
Car & Van Servicing
Car & Van Repairs
Diesel/Injector Issues

Free Tyre & Safety Checks

Included with all our service options

engine & gearbox diagnostics

 Trouble-shoot warning light or dashboard signals with OUR diagnostic check. Identify issues. Fault checks include engine management, air-bag system and warning lights etc.


All Makes and Models

Laois Auto Care Ltd Vehicle diagnostics service and auto repair centre Portlaoise, Co Laois. Serving the Midlands
Laois Auto Care Ltd Vehicle diagnostics service and auto repair centre Portlaoise, Co Laois. Midlands

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We've got a team of experienced engineers ready with competitive rates, great skills and excellent customer service.

Located within Portlaoise, Co Laois and serving the Midlands.


New Road, Downs. Portlaoise R32-K820

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