January Fuel Price Survey: Petrol and Diesel Prices Continue to Drop, but Still Higher Than 2023 Lows

January Fuel Price Survey

Key Points:

  • According to AA Ireland’s January Fuel Price Survey, petrol and diesel prices have dropped for four consecutive months.
  • Petrol prices have decreased by 4 cents per litre, now standing at €1.68.
  • Diesel prices have also dropped by 4 cents per litre, reaching €1.68.
  • However, the current prices are still higher than the lows experienced in 2023, which were €1.57 for petrol and €1.47 for diesel.
  • Crude oil prices have risen to around $79 per barrel.
  • Electric vehicle fuelling costs have slightly decreased.

Closing thoughts:

While it’s good news that petrol and diesel prices have been on a downward trend for the past four months, it seems we still have a way to go before reaching the lows seen a few years ago. On the bright side, electric vehicle owners can enjoy marginally lower fuelling costs. Let’s hope the overall trend of decreasing prices continues and gives small businesses a much-needed break!

Original article:https://www.theaa.ie/blog/january-fuel-price-survey/

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