
At Laois Auto Care Ltd we take care of all your vehicle car diagnostics, as well as vehicle service and repair.

At Laois Auto Care Ltd we take care of all your vehicle needs.

At Laois Auto Care Ltd we take care of all your vehicle car diagnostics, as well as vehicle service and repair. We diagnose and fix all types of vehicles, both petrol and diesel. Have an NCT coming up? Need a pre NCT check or follow up? We also provide pre/post NCT checks. Has your vehicle injector issues? Diesel injector issues are common with diesel cars. We also cover this speciality. Affordable honest mechanical technicians based in Portlaoise, Co Laois. Serving all across the Midlands and beyond. Drop in or contact Laois Auto Care Ltd today.

Have you a question or need any help with one of our technicians?


We've got a team of experienced engineers ready with competitive rates, great skills and excellent customer service.

Located within Portlaoise, Co Laois and serving the Midlands.


New Road, Downs. Portlaoise R32-K820

Email Us @ info@laoisautocare.ie


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