
Car Makers Divided: Uncertain Future of Solid-State Batteries

Are solid-state batteries the next autonomous cars?

Car Makers Divided on the Future of Solid-State Batteries

Are solid-state batteries the future?

– Car makers Toyota, Nissan, Honda, and Volkswagen have committed to a 2028 release date for solid-state batteries.
– Solid-state batteries are touted as a means to bring down the cost, weight, and degradation of EV batteries while improving range and power density.
– Mercedes-Benz technical chief, Markus Schäfer, disagrees and believes that the replacement of liquid lithium-ion battery technology with solid-state chemistry is not a given.
– Schäfer argues that there has been unexpected progress with existing liquid electrolyte lithium-ion battery technology, potentially rivaling solid-state technology in terms of cost and energy density.
– Switching to solid-state batteries would require a completely new supply and production network.
– Nissan suggests that new factories may be needed for solid-state EVs due to the massive impact on vehicle development and manufacturing.

The Future of Battery Technology

In the world of electric vehicles, solid-state batteries are seen as the holy grail. They promise to bring down the cost and weight of EV batteries while improving range, power density, and resistance to degradation. Car makers like Toyota, Nissan, Honda, and Volkswagen have all committed to a 2028 release date for solid-state batteries. However, not everyone is convinced that this technology will take over the market.

Mercedes-Benz technical chief, Markus Schäfer, believes that the complete replacement of liquid lithium-ion battery technology with solid-state chemistry is not a given. While solid-state batteries have been hailed as the future for many years, Schäfer argues that unexpected progress has been made with existing liquid electrolyte lithium-ion battery technology. There is a possibility that this technology could rival solid-state batteries in terms of cost and energy density.

Furthermore, the shift to solid-state batteries would require a whole new supply and production network. Nissan has stated that new factories may be needed to accommodate solid-state EVs. The impact on vehicle development and manufacturing would be dramatic, requiring a complete overhaul of the current mechanisms and architectures.

The Great Debate

The future of battery technology has become a highly debated topic in the automotive industry. While the shift from traditional combustion engines to electric power seems inevitable, the type of battery that will power these vehicles remains uncertain. The popularity of Markus Schäfer’s comments on the autocar.co.uk website this year shows the level of interest and intrigue surrounding this issue.

So, who is right? The answer is still unclear. Schäfer’s comparison of solid-state batteries to the forecasting of autonomous driving suggests his skepticism. With unexpected advancements in existing lithium-ion battery technology, the possibility of solid-state batteries dominating the market may not be as certain as previously thought. The ongoing debate between car makers highlights the uncertainty surrounding the future of battery technology in the automotive industry.

The Takeaway

While car makers have committed to a 2028 release date for solid-state batteries, their future dominance is not assured. The unexpected progress in existing lithium-ion battery technology suggests that it could rival solid-state batteries in terms of cost and energy density. Additionally, the switch to solid-state batteries would require a complete overhaul of the existing supply and production network, making it a more challenging and complex endeavor. The debate surrounding battery technology reflects the uncertainty and ongoing advancements in the EV industry. Only time will tell which type of battery will ultimately power our vehicles.
Original article:https://www.autocar.co.uk/opinion/business-tech%2C-development-and-manufacturing/are-solid-state-batteries-next-autonomous-cars

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